
Winter workshop folk & tango in the Diois region

22 Feb 2025 17:00


01 Mar 2025 14:00

La Terriade
rue de Grimone 112
26410 Glandage
Target audience : Advanced, Intermediate
Workshop organised by Frisse Folk
Spots available
Normal price 860,00€
Discount price 780,00€
Contact us if your salary doesn’t allow you to participate 0,00€
Aftermovie hiver 2023
Impro Koen & Laure
Tango Laure

Winter workshop Folk & Tango with Laure Fourest & Koen Dhondt

After the big succes of the previous editions, Laure Fourest and Koen Dhondt are giving a full week of dance workshop at Domaine La Terriade, a hidden paradise in a small village in the Diois region in France. Get ready for a great stay full of joy and fun, learning, laughing and meeting people, delicious food prepared by Anamaria, snow and sauna (oh yess!), and lots of dancing!


Approximately 5 hours of dance lesson per day. The common thread throughout the workshop is learning how to guide/follow and communicate well in the dance. Laure and Koen will give individual suggestions and corrections, so that everyone progresses.
This intensive week of dance is for intermediate & advanced folk dancers who wish to take the time to develop and refine the body skills (posture and dance technique) necessary to embody the music more precisely and sensitively in couple dances.
This bodywork will be done via a diversion through the practice of Argentine Tango (no previous experience necessary), because it allows us to explore the finesse and precision of the connection.
This bodywork will also allow us to dive into the exploration of this great mishmash called "musicality" and the dialogue that we, as dancers, are led to initiate with the musical proposals that are made to us: to open our ears, to become aware of the rhythmic and melodic richness of the songs, to get out of our usual movements by developing new types of vocabularies, to be able to choose the musical elements that we want to interpret, etc…
In our opinion, what makes a beautiful couple dance is the comfort of the abrazo, the quality of the connection, and the harmony found by the three of us: you, me and the music. This workshop will explore these three concepts in greater depth.
Koen will also teach some trad dances that we will choose together (rondeaux, congo, bourrées, branle ou sauts béarnais, …)

Each teacher will also give classes around his or her own speciality. We have 2 rooms and can therefore separate the group

  • Laure: musicality, possibilities of improvisation, posture and bodywork in couple dancing, Argentine tango (at the service of folk dances) and morning body warm-ups.
  • Koen: dances from the South West & Centre of France, improvisation, musicality & rhythmical variations in couple dances, …
  • All participants can have 10 minutes of intensive individual coaching with one of the teachers on the subject of their choice

Other activities

  • A folk bal with Lucas Thébaut & DJ Koen, open for external dansers. Reservation necessary. (only if enough workshop participants)
  • Practica – a folk ball with recorded music – on almost all other evenings
  • Sauna, relaxation, siesta, walks, games, …

Have a look at the photo albums of the previous editions

We invite you to read the text Code of conduct & dancing tips that applies for all of our activities and recommend you to watch this video on consent and communication on the dance floor


Additional info

You will find at the end of the page information about the level, languages, accommodation, meals, registration …

If you have questions about the program and level (see below), do not hesitate to contact Laure: +33 6 32 58 96 84 ou  or to contact Koen

Practical Info


Registrations open on september 23th. The price covers
  • 30 hours of workshops with 2 experienced teachers in a beautiful 100 square metre dance hall with a wooden floor.
  • A folk bal (only if enough workshop participants), and practicas most of the other evenings.
  • a fair trade salary for the teachers/organisers, the cook and the musicians
  • accommodation from Saturday evening to Saturday at lunchtime
  • Daily use of the sauna
  • Bio & local meals
  • Gite La Terriade, at the Col de Grimone, in the Diois. There are 2 and 3 bedded rooms, and one 4 bedded room. Rooms are chosen in order of registration and payment of the 350€!
  • Bed linen can be rented for 9€. Possibility to bring your own bedding.
  • Organic and vegetarian meals with -as far as possible- local ingredients, prepared by Anamaria from  
  • Breakfast not included, but possible with supplement of 35€.
  • Please let us know if you have any food allergies well in advance
  • Meals and  a snack/fruit are included in the price of the summer workshop, but drinks are not, except for coffee and tea.
Time table / planning
  • The workshop starts on Saturday 17 February at 5pm. Lesson from 5 till 8pm. Afterwards we will have diner.
  • End of the summer workshop on Saturday 24 February at 2pm
  • Approximately 5 hours of classes per day, between 10am and 6:30 pm. One morning and one afternoon of free time.
  • Practica  folk ball with recorded music – on most of the evenings
  • Sauna, Relaxation, siesta, walks, games, …
Good dancing shoes help you to dance better and with less effort. Bring light, comfortable shoes with a smooth sole and no heel! Feel free to bring more than one set of clothes per day, a second pair of dance shoes, a fan, …
Indoor Slippers
Normal rate in a room with 2 or 3 beds: 860€ 
  • 50€ discount for everybody if there are minimum 22 participants, or 100€ discount if 24 participants, refunded at the end. Invite your friends!
  • 80€ extra discount for all those who need it (if minimum 23 participants, this gives the cheapest price: 680€)
  • Contact us if your income does not allow you to join the summer workshop

Possibility of a donation for solidarity

We want to guarantee a fair remuneration for all the professionals who make this summer workshop possible. At the same time, we think it is important that people living on a limited budget also have access to quality learning. That is why we offer you the possibility to make a donation to enable someone with a lower budget to attend the Workshop at a lower price than the advertised rates. Contact us for more details.
Registration & conditions 
This workshop is organised by Corps Dansant and Frisse Folk. You can register via the website of Frisse Folk. By registering, you accept the following conditions.
  • Payment upon registration by bank transfer: Frisse Folk   IBAN  BE40 7805 9142 3763   /   BIC  GKCCBEBB.
  • Possibility to pay in 2 times: 350€ upon registration and the rest before the 22nd of December
  • Cancellation before December 22nd: total refund    
  • Cancellation before January 22nd:  refund of the total amount minus 350€.
  • No refund if you cancel after January 21st, regardless of the reason for the cancellation. 
    Possibility to find somebody with the appropriate dance level to take your place. 
  • Full refund if the organisers have to cancel the workshop
  • Laure and Koen will be present for the whole week for a minimum of 14 participants. Below this number, it is possible that one of the teachers will only be present for part of the workshop week.
Have a look at the photo album of the previous winter edition (February 2023)
If you have any questions after reading this page, please do not hesitate to contact us. To contact Laure: +33 6 32 58 96 84 or /   to contact Koen.


The workshop will be given in French, with some short translations of the essential information into English if necessary. Koen and Laure are fluent in different languages, so you will get individual feedback in the language of your choice.


For advanced folk dancers, and talented intermediate folk dancers who learn quickly. Laure and Koen are used to diversifying their exercices and teaching methods so that everyone progresses, even in a group with different levels.

You should be able to master the basic waltz steps with ease, be familiar with leading and/or following, and preferably be open to changing roles. 

We assume that you needed more or less two years of dance experience, with regular classes and workshops, to achieve this level. Some of this experience may have been gained in other couple dances (tango, salsa, forró, …). 

No previous tango experience is required, as for the tango classes we will foresee a beginner and an intermediate group, if necessary.

Dance Partner

It is not necessary to register as a couple for this dance workshops. We will often change partners. Therefore, you can register alone, as a couple, with friends …


Frisse Folk & Corps Dansant
Frisse Folk & Corps Dansant