
Intermediate & Advanced

At the bottom of this page, you will find a short overview of the upcoming events for intermediate and advanced dancers. The full list of activities of Frisse Folk you can find here:

  • Classes: levels 3 to 8
  • Workshops: workshops on Saturday or Sunday with a range of themes and levels
  • Bals: folkbals and practicals (= folkbals without live music, so with the iPod)

If you do not live close enough, there are two options:

We assume that, as an experienced dancer, you know our organisation. If not, you can get to know Elene and Koen and the various projects of Frisse Folk in the tab “about”.

Classes for intermediate & advanced dancers

Dance class level 3
Wednesday 18 September 19:00
GC De Maalbeek
Spots available
Dance class level 4
Tuesday 17 September 18:00
GC De Pianofabriek
Rue du Fort 35
Spots available

Workshops for intermediate & advanced dancers

Stage Koen & Bal Snaarmaarwaar @ Gennetines
Tuesday 30 July to 31 Jul 2024 to 31 Jul 2024
Le Grand Bal de l'Europe
Musicality for dancers & Festival Skills @ Boombalfestival
Friday 23 August to 24 Aug 2024 to 24 Aug 2024
Boterhoek 8

Folk balls

Open air folk practica
Tuesday 30 July
Esplanade Parlement Européen
Place Luxembourg
DJ Koen
Spots available
Open air folk practica
Tuesday 6 August
Esplanade Parlement Européen
Place Luxembourg
DJ Koen
Spots available
Open air folk practica
Tuesday 13 August
Esplanade Parlement Européen
Place Luxembourg
DJ Koen
Spots available
