
Cancelled - Forro for folkies

15 Mar 2020 – 13:00-15:30

GC De Pianofabriek
Rue du Fort / Fortstraat 35
1060 Saint-Gilles
Teacher : Sarah Collings
Target audience : Advanced, Intermediate
Workshop organised by Frisse Folk
Registrations are over, pleasecontact us if you wish to attend this course.
Registration is closed for this event

Workshop Forró for folkies with Sarah Collings


Please  find the description of the program on the French or Dutch pages of our website. You can refer to the menu to find all information on general organisation of our workshops, prices and discounts etc.

Scroll down to get to the info about this particular workshop: required dance level, shared meal etc.

If you need any help to make a reservation, do not hesitate to contact us (also in English, Spanish or Portuguese).

Participants of this workshop get a reduction for the folkbal Bal & Basta! with Les Bottines Artistiques & Saarmaarwaar on the same evening 16h – 22h. Don't forget to book your ticket on time! (it's not included in the workshop price and workshop participants don't have priority to other dancers). The bals are always sold out in advance.

Practical Info


We suggest all participants bring something to share with each other for tea after the workshop in the bar of de Pianofabriek


Our workshops in Brussels are usually given in French, with translations into English if necessary. Sarah is fluent in 5 languages, so you will get individual feedback in the language of your choice.


Please arrive 15 minutes before the advertised starting time of the workshop, so we can start on time.



Stage intensif de forró pour danseurs de niveau intermédiare & avancé d'autres disciplines de danses de couple: en premier lieu le folk, mais également tango, salsa, swing, ballroom… Il faut bien maîtriser au moins 1 des 2 rôles (leader/follower), être à l'aise avec le concept de guider ou suivre des variantes (toujours dans votre discipline de danse), et être habitué à écouter attentivement la musique lors de votre danse.

Aucune expérience de danse forró n'est demandée. 


Intensieve stage forró voor halfgevorderde en gevorderde dansers van andere dansdisciplines met koppeldansen: in de eerste plaats folk, maar ook tango, salsa, swing… We verwachten dat je één van de rollen (leider en/of volger) goed beheerst, en vertrouwd bent met het concept van variaties leiden en/of volgen (in jouw dansdiscipline) en met gericht luisteren naar de muziek terwijl je danst.

Geen enkele voorkennis van forró vereist

Dance Partner

You do not have to register together with a dance partner. In folk lessons and workshops we switch partners after every dance.


GC De Pianofabriek
GC De Pianofabriek