
Irregular waltzes - Cadansa

20 Oct 2018 – 13:30-15:30

Cadansa Festival
6921 Duiven
Teacher : Koen Dhondt
Target audience : Advanced, Intermediate
No presale or registration via the website of Frisse Folk for this event. More info hereunder.

Workshop Irregular waltzes by Koen Dhondt


A workshop on 5, 8 & 11 time waltz + variations. We will focus on communication, leading & following. Program:
* listening exercises & musicality
* 2 different basic steps
* easy rhythmical variations
* more difficult rhythmical variations, and some very difficult for advanced dancers



Koen Dhondt will teach this workshops in English.

Info workshops:

Practical Info


Koen Dhondt will teach this workshops in English. Koen is fluent in 5 languages, so you will get individual feedback in the language of your choice.


Please arrive 15 minutes before the advertised starting time of the workshop, so we can start on time.


Intermediate & advanced. It is necessary to be familiar with the concept of leading and/or following, and to have mastered proper dance posture. Experience with irregular waltzes is not necessary.

Dance Partner

It is never necessary to register as a couple for our dance workshops. We will often change partners.

Therefore, you can register alone, as a couple, with friends …

