
Guide to get lost

30 Nov 2024 – 13:15-18:15

Wijkhuis Arsenaal
Hamerstraat 21-25
2800 Mechelen
Teacher : Sara & Paulo
Target audience : Advanced, Intermediate
Workshop organised by Frisse Folk
Spots available
Normal price 45,00€
Discount price if you don’t work 35,00€
Social price 20,00€
Fair trade price 55,00€
Compensation 0,00€

Workshop Guide to get lost with Paulo & Sara 



Paulo and Sara perceive dance as a dialogue, in its every perspective. This is the key-word for their work and constant research in european folk dance. They believe that only in a state of pure deep conversation you can achieve true beauty and that is exactly what they mean to purpose. With this workshop, their main goal is not to teach you how to dance, but to enhance your ability to sense, listen, react, interpret, create and therefore, talk without words.

Participants must know the basics of mazurka, scottish, waltz and bourrée à 2 temps. Paulo and Sara won't be teaching the steps of these dances and expect everyone to know it.

This workshop will be taught in English


Please refer to the menu to find all information on general organisation of our workshops, prices and discounts etc.

Scroll down to get to the info about this particular workshop. We can translate important points into English during the workshop, if needed.

If you need any help to make a reservation, do not hesitate to contact us (also in English, Spanish, Portuguese or Dutch).


Practical Info


We suggest all participants bring something for tea. Potluck!

The bar will be open throughout the day. Frisse Folk offers water for free 


The workshop is given in English. 


Please arrive 15 minutes before the advertised starting time of the workshop, so we can start on time.


Intermediate & advanced level. Participants must know the basics of mazurka, scottish, waltz and bourrée à 2 temps. Paulo and Sara won't be teaching the steps of these dances and expect everyone to know it.

Dance Partner

It is never necessary to register as a couple for our dance workshops. 
Therefore, you can register alone, as a couple, with friends …