
Congo de Captieux & rondeau en couple

08 Jun 2024 – 13:30-18:00

Parochiezaal Bouwel
Dorp 43
2288 Bouwel
Teacher : Koen Dhondt
Target audience : Advanced, Intermediate
Workshop organised by Frisse Folk
Registrations are over, pleasecontact us if you wish to attend this course.
Registration is closed for this event
Congo de Captieux

Workshop Congo de Captieux & rondeau en couple by Koen Dhondt


In parallel:
  • Learning the basics for those who don't know this dances yet
  • Refreshing/practicing and also rhythmic variations (easy and complex) for those who already know the choreography
A dance with figures, originating from the contredanse, the Congo de Captieux borrows for its movement the steps of the rondeau à deux from the Landes de Gascogne (Southwest of France). As for its choreography, which favours the meeting and the game between two couples of dancers, it has the particularity of introducing a dramatic dimension which is similar to… the pursuit of love! (description by Philippe Marsac)

Le soir il y aura un bal avec Airboxes. Contribution libre

You can refer to the menu to find all information on general organisation of our workshops, prices and discounts etc.
Scroll down to get to the info about this particular workshop: required dance level, shared meal etc.

If you need any help to make a reservation, do not hesitate to contact us (also in English, Spanish or Portuguese)

Practical Info


We suggest all participants bring something for tea. Potluck!

The bar will be open throughout the day.


The workshop will be given in Dutch. Koen is fluent in 5 languages, so you will get individual feedback in the language of your choice.


It is necessary to master the step of polka or bourrée à 2 temps. No knowledge of Congo required.

Dance Partner

Il n’est pas nécessaire de s'inscrire en couple. On changera souvent de partenaire . Vous pouvez donc vous inscrire seul, à deux, entre amis …

Je moet je niet samen met een partner inschrijven voor deze stage. Er wordt regelmatig van partner gewisseld. Je kan dus alleen inschrijven, per twee, met vrienden…

