
Free ball Naragonia

29 Nov 2024 18:00 – 21:00
La Verrière
Boulevard de Waterloo 50
1000 Bruxelles
Teacher : Koen Dhondt
Target audience : Beginner, Advanced, Intermediate
No presale or registration via the website of Frisse Folk for this event. More info hereunder.

Free folk ball with Naragonia 

Ball organised by the Fondation Hermès to close the exhibition ‘Esperluette’ by Hélène Bertin.
Not necessary  (and not possible) to reserve.


  • 18:00 – 19:00  initiation folk dances by Koen – Frisse Folk
  • 19:00 – 21:00  Naragonia


We invite you to read the text Code of conduct & dancing tips that applies for all of our activities and recommend you to watch this video on consent and communication on the dance floor

We also made a short YouTube video on managing space on the dance floor, and propose an overwiew of the most important recommendations on our website.



La Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
La Fondation d'entreprise Hermès