
Bal Bert Leemans & Loogaroo @ Mechelen

09 Nov 2024 19:30 – 23:59
Zaal Sint-Pieter
Nekkerspoelstraat 81
2800 Mechelen
Teacher : Hanne Kinne
Target audience : Beginner, Advanced, Intermediate
Spots available
Normal price 19,00€
Discount price if you don’t work 14,00€
Fair trade price 23,00€
Fair Trade price if you don’t work 16,00€
Bert Leemans solo

Bal Bert Leemans & Loogaroo in Mechelen 

19:30 – 20:30   Dance initiation Hanne & Bert Leemans (accordeon)

20:30 – 22:00   Bert Leemans solo

22:30 – 00:00   Loogaroo

On Saturday 9 November, Frisse Folk is organising the first folk ball ever in Mechelen! An evening full of dance and live music, with performances by Bert Leemans and Loogaroo. Hanne will open the evening with a folk dance initiation. Come and enjoy this dance evening of in a cosy venue with a wooden dance floor!


Bert Leemans is een vaste waarde in de folkwereld. Hij begon op zevenjarige leeftijd met chromatisch accordeon en speelt ondertussen ook hybride bandoneon en accordina. Bert speelt in diverse balfolkbands zoals Triple-X, b-boa, Embrun, Embrio en Airboxes. Ook solo weet hij het publiek te betoveren met zowel rustige als meeslepende, dansbare melodieën.

Loogaroo : Na zes jaar samenwerking in diverse projecten, besloten Pablo Golder (diatonische accordeon) en Florian De Schepper (akoestische gitaar) hun krachten te bundelen. Loogaroo, een mythisch Caribisch wezen dat kan veranderen in een bal van licht, symboliseert hun krachtige en verrassende melodieën. Pablo’s meesterlijke accordeonspel, gecombineerd met Florians groovy gitaarritmes, zorgt ervoor dat je de hele nacht blijft dansen, zelfs onder het licht van de volle maan.


  • Registration on the website of Frisse Folk is highly recommended, due to limited capacity. 
  • No need to print or show your entry ticket for the event. We will have a list with your name on it.
  • Parking: About 30 free parking spaces are available at Sima. You can also park at Nekkerspoel station, De Loods or UGC Mechelen.


Fair Trade price 

Organising proper, enjoyable bals, with good musicians (often from abroad) is expensive and labour intensive. Nevertheless, the ticket prices for these types of live events are relatively low. By choosing the Fair trade price for our bals (on a voluntary basis of course), you contribute to a more fair compensation of the work and the costs of the musicians and organisers. Many thanks in advance!

We invite you to read the text Code of conduct & dancing tips that applies for all of our activities and recommend you to watch this video on consent and communication on the dance floor

We also made a short YouTube video on managing space on the dance floor, and propose an overwiew of the most important recommendations on our website.

Practical Info


The bar will be open. 


Frisse Folk