
*NederDans: Group dances in Dutch

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Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Registration is closed for this event
availability level-2
Full price 150.000000000
Discount price (if you don't work) 130.000000000
Half a term (7) - full price 112.000000000
Half a term (7) - discount 91.000000000
Fair trade price 160.000000000
2nd series in the same term 75.000000000
Pickup of Sept 2020 students 55.000000000
Gymlib 0.000000000

Nederlands + Dans = NederDans! 
Group dances in Dutch, by Koen Dhondt



New social price: people with limited budget only pay 55€ for the full trimester


Would you like to practice your Dutch and make new friends who speak that language? Would you like to have a drink and a chat after the course? Do you like to dance? Then this course is for you!
Koen Dhondt has been teaching dance and also NT2 (Dutch for non-Dutch speakers) for 20 years. He now combines his two talents in this new, fun dance class. You can learn to dance and practice your Dutch at the same time. Koen teaches the dance lessons in easy Dutch and encourages the students to talk to each other during the dance class, but also afterwards, during an informal drink. 
This group dance course is also interesting for Dutch speakers. Koen will explain them how to communicate in a more efficient way with non-Dutch speakers. They can also make new friends, for a language exchange during the week for example.


  • Easy and fun group dances: mixers, contredances, circle dances... 
  • Beautiful traditional and modern Western European music
  • 13 dance lessons in easy Dutch
  • Group dynamics: having fun and making new friends
  • Hear and speak Dutch in the dance class
  • Have a drink together and speak Dutch after the class.
  • For Dutch speakers: learn to communicate in a more efficient way with non-Dutch speakers. 

Language level: You need to have at least the A2 level of Dutch. This is level 1.2 if you take lessons at a CVO (adult language school). You will then have studied Dutch for about 6 months. People with a higher level of Dutch are also welcome, of course!  
Dance level: for everyone! You don't need any dance experience.

Prices, discounts & conditions

Info Covid-19

IMPORTANT: info COVID-19: Stay informed about the impact of corona on this event through this link.

Practical info


Meal standard text

Bring your bottle of water


Language standard text

Koen will teach this class in easy dutch

Koen geeft de dansles in gemakkelijk Nederlands. 

Days off

04/11/2021 , 11/11/2021 , 13/01/2022

Mandatory level

Mandlevel standard text
Language level: You need to have at least the A2 level of Dutch. This is level 1.2 if you take lessons at a CVO (adult language school). You will then have studied Dutch for about 6 months. People with a higher level of Dutch are also welcome, of course!  
Dance level: for everyone! You don't need any dance experience.

Please feel free to contact us.

Dance partner

Partner standard text

You never need to bring a dance partner to our lessons