
Practica at Pianofabriek

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Registration is closed for this event
availability level-1

Folk practica  with DJ Sophie & Jessica 


21:00 - 22:30    Practica, folk bal without live music  

Price: a free contribution, that you pay at the entrance     

  • Registration on the website of Frisse Folk is no longer mandatory, but it makes organizing easier for us. 
  • No need to print or show your entry ticket for the event. We will have a list with your name on it.
  • Don't come if you feel ill or if you were in contact with a person that tested positive on Covid.

We invite you to read the text Code of conduct & dancing tips that applies for all of our activities.

Practical info


Meal standard text

The bar on the ground floor of De Pianofabriek will be open.

Dance partner

You never need to bring a dance partner for our events