
Concert XL – 20h

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Registration is closed for this event
availability level-3
Normal price 17.000000000
Discount price if you don't work 13.000000000
Fair Trade price 20.000000000
Fair trade price if you don't work 16.000000000

Great Folk concert !


IMPORTANTCOVID-19: adjustments & rules  :   Check this page regularly for updates!
We transformed Bal XL into a seated concert. The adjustments mentioned above make it possible to experience live music together in a safe way. We realise that this is not the same as a traditional Bal XL and that there are many limitations, but the positive feeling prevails: we are extremely happy we can offer you good live folk music again!


20:00 - Doors open

20:30 - Concert Cocanha

21:30 - Break

21:45 - Concert Aurélie Dorzée & Tom Theuns

23:00 - End

We start on time so everybody can enjoy the second group. Please arrive early to avoid disturbing the musician during the concert.      

Do not forget to reserve your ticket on time as our events sually sell out in advance! We take on the reservation costs ourselves. 

Fair Trade price

Organising proper, enjoyable bals, with good musicians (often from abroad) is expensive and labour intensive. Nevertheless, the ticket prices for these types of live events are relatively low. You can now choose the Fair trade price for our bals (on a voluntary basis of course). This way, you contribute to a more fair compensation of the work and the costs of the musicians and organisers. Many thanks in advance!

Practical info


Meal standard text

De Maalbeek does not allow outside food or drinks. Thank you for respecting this request.

Did you know that the ticketsale of a sold out Bal XL doesn't generate enough income to cover all the costs of the ball? By consuming drinks at the bar, you contribute actively to the future of these balls. Thank you in advance!

Partnership / Organisation

GC De Maalbeek