
Sauts bearnais online

Débutant, Intermédiaire, Avancé
Workshop organised by Frisse Folk
Registration is closed for this event
availability level-3
Normal price 25.000000000
Discount price if you don't work 20.000000000
Covid-19 victims financial problems due to Corona) 10.000000000
Covid-19 heroes price (nurses, dokters, artists, supermarket vendors, ...) 0.000000000
Fair Trade price 30.000000000

Workshop Sauts béarnais (Sauts basques) with Koen Dhondt

Schedule:  10h30 - 12h    &   16h - 17h30


  • Learning/revision of basic steps: simple, copar, virar, virar tres, simple tres, marcar, trucar, dobla
  • Dances: 7 sauts, pantelon, peiroton, Mariana, La craba
In this workshop we learn the Sauts béarnais: circle dances of varying complexity, where each person executes well-codified sequences of steps without touching his or her neighbours. "7 sauts" is the most famous dance of this repertoire.
In the Basque Country, the same basic steps are used as in Béarn, but the names of the movements are different. You will quickly learn Basque terminology, so that you can also follow the callers' announcements at Basque balls.

Practical info about on line workshop
A Google Meet link will be send by e-mail at 10h. Connection possible from 10h15. Apero after the workshop for those who want.
The workshop will be recorded by Frisse Folk if everybody agrees. In that case the movie can be shared for a limited time with all the participants. It is forbidden to share this movie with other people in any way.

You can refer to the menu to find all information on general organisation of our workshops, prices and discounts etc. Scroll down to get to the info about this particular workshop: required dance level,  etc.

If you need any help to make a reservation, do not hesitate to contact us (also in English, Spanish or Portuguese).

Practical info


Apero after the workshop for those who want.


Language standard text

This workshops will be given in (easy )English.
Koen is fluent in 5 languages, so if necessary you will get the answers to your questions in the language of your choice.


Please arrive 15 minutes before the advertised starting time of the workshop, so we can start on time.

Mandatory level

Mandlevel standard text

All levels
We start with easy dances and gradually progress to more difficult dances and figures.
No experience in sauts Béarnais is required. This workshop is open to anyone who has been dancing regularly for at least 3 months (regardless of your dance discipline). You just need to have a reasonable learning speed.

Dance partner

Partner standard text

You do not have to register together with a dance partner.