
Aurora Cavazzin

Aurora started her journey into dancing in Turin (Italy) when she was 6 years old. She practiced ballet, contemporary dance, hip hop, jazz and, since 2011, traditional and folk dances too. In 2016 she moved to Lyon to become a contemporary dancer by attending the 2 years course professional training at the Hallet Eghayan company. Now, she collaborates with several dance companies in Lyon in wich mix disciplines is what she enjoys most. She started teaching about ten years ago, when she began to work alongside ballet and contemporary dance teachers and gradually found herself in that role as well. In 2018, she graduated in community dance and overall dance pedagogy in Turin. In the meantime, since 2016, she started to teach balfolk and traditional dances both in weekly classes and workshops all over Europe among wich international balfolk festivals (Reno Folk Festival in Bologna, PBI in Prague, Funambals in Lyon, Dyonisos in Clermont Ferrand, Kracov, Turin…). Her work is based on transmitting the elements of her contemporary dance experience, 1 which can make learning easier and considerably enrich our ways of dancing folk. While always keeping tradition in mind.



Stages met deze leraar

Intensieve dansstage folk @AKDT
6 jul. 2025 tot zo 13 jul. 13:00
Athénée Royal de Neufchâteau